
고령화 사회 일본 60~80대 실버 포르노 호황

고령화 사회 일본 60~80대 실버 포르노 호황


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Besides his glowing complexion, Shigeo Tokuda looks like a typical 73-year-old Japanese man. Despite suffering a heart attack three years ago, the longtime salaryman now feels healthier and lives happily with his wife and a daughter in downtown Tokyo. He is, of course, more physically active than most retirees, but that’s because of his part-time job–as a porn star.

Shigeo Tokuda is, in fact, his stage name. He prefers not to disclose his real name because, he insists, his wife and daughter have no idea that he has appeared in some 350 adult films over the past 14 years. And in his double life, Tokuda seems to embody the contemporary state of Japanese sexuality: in surveys by the World Health Organization (WHO) and condom maker Durex, among others, Japan is repeatedly found to be one of the most sexless societies in the industrialized world. A March WHO report found that 1 in 4 married couples in Japan had not made love in the previous year, while 37% of couples in their 50s no longer have sex at all–figures that some attribute, at least in part, to the stresses of Japanese working life. Yet at the same time, the country has seen a surging demand for pornography that has turned adult videos into a billion–dollar industry, with “elder porn” one of its fastest–growing genres.


일본갔다가 제가 놀란게 성인용품이 진짜 매우 대중적?
우리나라처럼 은폐적이거나 그러지 않더라구요
진짜 사람들 많은 거리에서도 너무쉽게 볼수잇고
분위기 자체가 완전 밝은 곳에 대놓고잇어서 놀랏음…
어린학생들 구매 못한다 이런 개념이 아니라 교복입은 여자애들끼리
바이브레이터 만지작 거리는거보면서 문화충격이엇네요 

어마어마하네요. 성진국의 위상은 노년에도 이어지네요


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